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Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Scum Continues To Get Scummier!

It seems that every day, the Obama Administration gets scarier and scarier and scumier and scumier! Now, Obama's Director of ICE, the guy who apparently thinks he is saltier than salt, John Morton, made the outrageous statement that his agency will not cooperate with Arizona's new immigration law. Of course the salt guy is simply carrying out Obama, Holder and Napolitano's program of pretending to enforce federal immigration laws, while not enforcing them at all. Morton needs to have his ass spanked and sent packing! The majority of the LEGAL - I repeat for the imbeciles who still support the Obama nonsense - LEGAL citizens of the United States have made it loud and clear that they support Arizona's legislation and want the federal government to stop pretending they are enforcing and start enforcing immigration laws.
I listened with disgust to Calderon and Obama's bullshit about Arizona's new law and wonder just how much more of Obama's nonsense America will tolerate.
Did the greatly outnumbered American heros who sacrificed their lives at the Alamo, make this ultimate sacrifice in vain? Has America forgotten that Sam Houston led his troops to victory over Mexicans in their attempted conquest of Texas?
How ironic indeed, that Mexico is now accomplishing their conquest of the United States, without using their impotent Army, but by flooding the country with illegals. There are millions of illegal Mexicans presently devouring America's resources and bankrupting our infrastructure. Every facet of our society presently provides service in Spanish, and I am sick and tired of having to "press 1 to continue in English." Hey imbeciles running our government, the official language of the United States of America is English! I have no desire to learn Spanish and if people from south of our border really want to assimilate into the U.S. and become citizens, they would learn to speak English! The truth is, they want to convert America into a northern Mexico!
Started to send an email to the White House yesterday to complain about Morton, but after viewing the White House site and finding that it provides email service in Spanish as well as English, I gave up in disgust.
I will give sociopath Obama credit for having no fear of infuriating the majority of American citizens by rapidly pushing forth a socialist agenda that has this nation on the fast track toward self destruction. It mattered not to Obama that the majority of Americans opposed health legislation. It mattered not to Obama that the majority of Americans opposed bailing out banks and auto companys. It matters not to Obama that the majority of Americans want to put an end to illegal immigration and strict enforcement of immigration laws. His latest move, (this morning's paper) is to force "vehicle efficiency standards - with emphasis on the trucking industry." The price of fuel is outrageous as it is, and by forcing "standards" (which has such an innocent well intended sound)on the trucking industry and automobile owners, the price of diesel and gasoline will cripple drivers. And, the fall out to such legislation will cause a dynamic increase in the cost of goods and services; which will be required if the trucking companies are to continue in business.
It seems the dream I had about Obama being driven to drive a wedge in society and so infuriate citizens that they begin open rebellion against government is coming true. My dream messenger told me Obama sees revolution as the means of achieving lasting power. You see, if the people revolt, as President and Commander-in-Chief of the military, he can enforce martial law and assume the power of Dictator. If the majority of Americans accept becoming wards of the state(federal government), and that is why Obama wants to give amnesty to illegals, taxpaying citizens will not have the elective power to stop him and he will achieve the same goal without the death and destruction associated with revolution. Examine the path we are on and it appears we are well down the road toward Obama achieving his goal.
I know it sounds harsh, but Barack Obama, is not only the worst President in the hisotry of this nation, he is dangerous and in his quest for power he is in fact an enemy of America!

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