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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Obama's Continued Incompetence As A Leader

Rambling article in today's MDJ, attempts to favorably outline President Obama's "new method of combating terrorism." What I deciphered from all the gobble-de-gook is that Obama's method of dealing with terrorism is reactive, rather than proactive. The article states that he intends to "rely on other nations" to aid in combatting terrorism and as history as proven, this is a real loser of a strategy.
Now Islamics are trying to gain approval to build a Mosque on the site of the former World Trade Center, and incredibly, the majority of New York City's council and Mayor Bloomberg, want to let them claiming the mosque is intended to unify rather than divide people and cultures. Bullshit! Call me prejudice if you want, but Islamics are hell-bent on conquest of the United States and have come to realize that by continually making inroads in America and increasing their numbers, in 40 or so years, they can accomplish this dream. The Islamic religion is not a religion of peace! I have read segments of the Koran and biographies dealing with Mohammed and the sacred book of Islam, calls for the destruction of infidels (non-believers) Mohammed started out life as a reasonable and religious man, but evolved into a monster. He abused women and ordered the beheading of people as easily as we would swat a mosquito.
America was founded on Judaeo-Christian principals and religious philosophy and became a great nation because of it. The Islamic religion would take America back into the dark ages. All of the rights and freedoms that women have gained would become null and void under that strict and repressive belief.
There is a move on Facebook to petition against the building of a Mosque on the site where 3000 innocent people were murdered by Islamic crazies. I hope and pray that the imbeciles responsible for allowing or preventing the mosque get the message and tell Islam NO!
Also, the government has put on display several of our nations police chiefs, who oppose Arizona's new immigration law. Could not help but notice that some of these police chiefs have hispanic surnames. Hmm. It is also clear that the huge influx of illegals into the cities they police has overwhelmed the system and hispanics are beginning to control local governments and even police departments.
This show by the police chiefs - who in my opinion are not qualified to command a police department - adds credence to my previous claim that Mexicans do not want to become American citizens. They want to change the United States of America into a northern Mexican province.

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