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Friday, May 7, 2010

How Soon Before America Becomes Greece?

I wonder if the morons who still believe that Obama is a wonderful President and that he has our nation on the right course are aware of World news, as to what is happening in Greece.
The Obama administration is taking America down the same socialist road to disaster that caused the Greek government's present collapse.
And, this is only one of the stupid mistakes that the BHO administration is making.
We have a President who refuses to enforce federal law that deals with illegal immigration and who openly attacks a state government for passing a law that basically calls for enforcement of federal law. Obama does not want to grant amnesty for the 12 million (or more) illegals (he lies) "for humanitarian reasons." The truth is, BHO wants amnesty to pick up a huge voting block of liberal socialists.
I frequently hear this argument promoting amnesty, "They (illegals)only want to improve their life and they work hard. What is wrong with that?"
To that I respond, "Hey, thieves steal things and work hard because they want to improve their life. Burglars break into homes because they want to improve their lives. People embezzle money because they want to improve their lives. People commit identity theft because they want to improve their lives, etc.
Illegal aliens break into our country and while here, do not just work but drain our resources. Hospitals are going broke because of them. Welfare is out of control because of them and government collects little to no tax from them. Illegals are sucking the life blood out of our nation.
The Mexican President spoke out harshly against Arizona, claiming racism, and racial profiling. Isn't it strange that Mexico does not tolerate illegal aliens and when they are picked up they are severely punished.
Legal immigrants, who want to become Americans, work hard to accomplish this dream and they pay with sweat and dollars to keep America strong. The majority of illegal immigrants from south of our border, have no desire to assimilate into America as citizens and English speaking Americans. They send the majority of the money they earn to Mexico, and demand that the United States of America, speak their language and honor their customs. Think of it! By 2040 this nation could be known as the United States of Hispanola and Spanish will be the national language.
And while I am on a roll -
The recent spate of terrorist activity against Americans and on American soil are examples of why our nation should toss political correctness in the trash bin. We know that Islamic terrorists want to kill Americans and destroy America. The so-called peace loving Islamics, may not be openly supporting terrorism, but they are strangely silent and display impotence in condeming their brethren's terrorist activities. By playing the political correctness game, we are putting American lives at risk and not making any progress in having Islamics love us.
I hear self-proclaimed pundits in the liberal media and many of our political leaders, and that includes former President George Bush, claim that Islam is a religion of peace. They are flat out wrong! I would challenge them to read the Koran, which is the Holy Book of Islam and write down the number of passages that call for death and destruction to infidels. To those morons who voted for BHO and still think he is a wonderful leader, Infidel to an Islamic, means ALL who do not embrace the Islamic religion.
I would ask that everyone review the history of terrorist attacks upon Americans during the last forty years and the majority of all the attacks; which claimed thousands of American lives, were committed by Islamics.
The Islamics are engaged in a crusade to achieve world dominance and are steadily gaining ground because the infidel idiot leaders of most governments in the world, have embraced and adhere to political correctness. How many more thousands of people must be killed before world leaders recognize history has begun to repeat itself and the world is engaged in another religiously inspired Crusade for conquest?

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