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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reply to Obama

In today's MDJ, Associated Press (Obama News Agency) ran article purporting to show how intelligent Obama was by challenging Republicans & Conservatives, to recognize what disastrous results would have occurred if he hadn't taken over the failing auto industry, bailed out banks, passed healthcare, etc. Obama challenged his opponents to offer their solution to the problems he was confronted with, and of course the AP claims there was no response.
Well I am able to respond to President Obama, and my solutions for handling the challenges would act to the betterment of the United States of America.
As for the failing banks - who were losing money because they were directed by members of Congress to provide mortgages to people who were not qualified - I would have removed Congressional influence from the industry and let the banks foreclose. Throughout history, ambitious and industrious - and those are key words - citizens have dug their way out of failure and climbed ladders toward success. The entrepreneurial spirit and drive of these motivated citizens are what made America strong. When government starts bailing individuals and businesses out of debt, individuals lose the spirit and drive to succeed and look to government to make life easy for them. Of course, what they fail to realize is that in order to give money and aid to one segment of society, government has to take the money from another segment of society that is working hard and achieving success through their industry. In doing so, the self-achievers start saying, what in hell am I busting my ass for. I might just as well slow down and let government take care of me too. Eventually, that segment of society paying the taxes to keep government operating, is no longer able to provide the huge sum of money needed to keep the socialist system operating. The socialist government is then forced to increase the tax load on those still paying taxes, and so it goes, until the socialist system can no longer sustain itself and goes bankrupt. All one has to do to see proof of this, is track the history of Greece and examine how the socialist government systems presently operating in Europe are failing.
As for mortgages: minus credit and income, people are not entitled to own a home! Millions of people have rented apartments and lived modestly (including yours truly) until they were financially able to obtain a mortgage. It is not my responsibility, nor any other taxpayer's responsibility to pay the mortgage payments of another citizen. Government should NEVER have gotten involved in assisting with mortgage payments and requiring banks to re-work and reduce mortgage payments. Re-working a mortgage payment should be strictly between the bank and the person responsible for paying the mortgage. Government needs to keep its nose out of private industry!
As for helping the poor, President LBJ created the "War on Poverty" back in the 60's and it was hailed as the war that would end poverty in America" The war proved to be unwinnable and now some fifty years later, TEN TRILLION $$ HAVE BEEN SPENT ON THE WAR TO ELIMINATE POVERTY and if you listen to our President and members of Congress, poverty is worse than it was when the war began. I have to ask Obama and Congress, WHERE IN HELL DID ALL THAT MONEY GO? I cannot even conceive trillions...
As for the failing auto industry: Obama and his cronies bailed out General Motors, Chrysler, etc., to reward their cronies in the United Auto Workers Union. Outrageous union contracts and outrageous government manufacturing standards were the catalyst that was driving the collapse of these auto-makers. Environmental regulations requiring the auto industry to produce vehicles the public did not want to purchase should have been revoked. GM and Chrysler should have been permitted to renegotiate their contract with the United Auto Workers. A contract that would temporarily reduce workers benefits while retaining the work force and providing the workers income. If the auto makers still failed and went bankrupt, they should have been permitted to do so. Other ambitious, entreprenurial business driven leaders would have taken the ball and ran for success. Of course the key to keeping the industry profitable, is less government regulation, government interference and not allowing a labor union to become so strong they cripple your industry.
As for Healthcare; the passage of a 2000 + healthcare bill that "is of dire necessity and immediate need" - but does not take affect for four years, was not to guarantee health coverage for the poor. The truth is, a socialist President and Congress wanted to take over 1/5th of the nation's economy and in truth, adding to the size of an already, bloated and obese federal government. The legislation is also payoff to SEIU, the union that controls the health industry, and which contributed huge sums of campaign money to the Obama campaign. There was absolutely no need for government to take over healthcare and if the President and Congress had really wanted to do something positive to reduce health costs, they could have passed legislation limiting malpractice awards to sensible dollar figures. The reason they didn't and won't, is because government is composed of and driven by attorneys, who profit mightily from the 30-40% they receive from every malpractice payoff. Also, BILLIONS $$ are being lost in medicaid and medicare fraud every year! The government could and should get rid of the lazy, unqualified Medicare and Medicaid investigation unit and replace it with ambitious, dedicated investigative professionals who doggedly pursue fraud. Instead of making the M&M investigation unit federal civil servants, protected by tenure, they could and should hire retired police professionals on a yearly contractual basis. These professionals would receive compensation based on the amount of fraud detected, prevented and successfully prosecuted.
Sadly, our federal government is out of control and it now employs thousands, perhaps as much as a million employees who are unqualified for their position and obtained their positon through appointment by a President or member of Congress that they supported for election. This dead wood is drawing a paycheck, living the good life and whiling away time toward retirement.

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