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Saturday, May 15, 2010

PC Continues to Rear its ugly head

Today's MDJ reported the arrest of Pir Khan, Aftab Khan and Mohamad Rahman, for supplying funding to wanna be Times Square bomber and terrorist Shahzad. All middle eastern Islamic males, yet U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (who's law firm represents terrorists) and idiot Mayor Bloomberg of NYC, keep insisting that Islamics must not be singled out (profiled) as terrorists. I have to question whether Holder and Bloomberg are in bed with Islamics, making money off Islamics, or are just plain stupid? If the Times Square bomber had turned out to be a white American male, who had been observed attending a Tea Party, Holder and Bloomberg would have been quick to profile all Tea Party activists as deranged terrorists.
Why is it that political correctness prevents American society from pointing the finger at the racial profile and religious profile of those who have been definitely identified as dangerous to America, all the while attacking W.A.S.P.S (Do you remember what that acronym stands for?) The Obama administration deperately hopes that the next terrorist act upon America will be perpetrated by a white Christian group of tea party people, so as to remove the stigma of terrorist from Islamics.
Meanwhile, the flag of Mexico has become revered and allowed to replace Old Glory in many areas of the United States. High School students were chastised and temporarily expelled from school for wearing shirts honoring the Stars and Stripes and for removing a Mexican flag that replaced the American flag at high schools.
Illegal immigrants continue to thumb their noses at our nations laws and even demonstrate openly in support being given a free pass to America and to all of America's possessions.
In Cobb County, an illegal immigrant (from Mexico) is being hailed as a heroine for the amnesty cause and paraded about as a poor persecuted young woman just because her parents brought her to the U.S. illegally and they are all in the country illegally. Supposedly, she was brought into the U.S. when she was 7 years of age, and is now attending Kenesaw State University, (on reduced Georgia resident tuition, which is funded by taxpayers). She became a celebrity because University campus police stopped her for an infraction and she could not produce a driver's license. She claimed to have a license, so she was directed to report to the security office the following day with her license. It came to light that the only driver's license she possessed was a Mexico license, and she was busted for infractions and turned over to ICE. ICE knuckled under to politicians and Kenesaw College officials and gave her a year pass, so she could finish college. The hispanic community (which is huge) rallied around her and claim she is the victim of racial profiling. BULLSHIT! As a former police officer, I started asking the questions that everyone in academia and journalism fail to ask. If she has been in the U.S. illegally since age 7, where has she been living? How does she make her living? How did she get a Mexico driver's license and think she could use it in the U.S.? Who paid, or is paying for the car she was driving? Does she have insurance? She reportedly graduated from a Georgia High School. Who paid for her public school education? But, of course, I know the answer to that question. If she has been here since age 7, and desired to become an American citizen, why didn't she seek a green card and begin the process toward becoming a citizen?
The truth is, like the majority of Mexicans breaking into America, she doesn't desire to become an American citizen. They want to derive every benefit that America provides them while on a course to convert America into another Mexico.
Meanwhile, BHO is starting to sound more and more like a dictator. He is on a roll toward nationalizing every facet of American society. The car industry, wall street, banking, healthcare, energy, and is now focused on the oil industry. And of course, the government is pushing toward telling us what lightbulbs we can use in our homes, how much energy we can use - and what kind - what sort of car we can drive and now they are even trying to control what sort of foods that we eat.
If America doesn't wake up and fire Obama and all of his organized crime thug operation, our nation will be in too big a hole to ever climb out of by 2012.
Incidentally, if you have investments put away for your retirement, please take note that the Obama administration is taking a hard look at getting a piece of them. And, if the scum suckers pass a Values Added Tax (VAT) which they are seriously considering, I say it is time we shut down Washington and force the bastards out!

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