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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Obama Just Keep Digging America's Hole Deeper

It is becoming increasingly difficult to speak with any measure of respect toward the man elected to the Presidency by people mesmerized into moronity. Obama has revealed himself as a liar, and a scumbag.
He fails to come out in support of Israel, who took appropriate action when a terrorist flotilla intentionally created an incident that would gain sympathy from world Muslims. Why is it so difficult for this administration to come to the realization that Palestine is not a peace loving, America embracing country. The majority of Palestinians are terrorists and they hate America. Palestinian terrorists are launching rockets into Israel on a daily basis. What would Obama do if a neighboring country of the United States started launching rockets at us?
At the same time B.O. - oops I forgot the H - tells the nation he is going to conduct a criminal investigation into the oil platform disaster and punish oil companies by increasing their taxes. The morons with half a brain will cheer him on, because they view oil companies as evil, greedy corporations. They don't realize that any costs the government passes on to the oil companies are going to be passed on to us at the gas pump. I personally do not look forward to paying $4-5 a gallon for my gasoline. Oh yes, B.O. is also going to push energy efficient alternatives to oil. Whether we like it or not, our nation - indeed the world - depends on oil for energy. Alternative energies are going to cost great sums of money and take years to develop.
Scumbag, incompetent Attorney General Eric Holder, has launched a criminal investigation at the behest of his organized crime boss B.O., but doesn't feel an need for an investigation concerning bribery by the B.O. administration. But of course that is understandable because the bribery is an impeachable offense and he has to protect the Godfather.
Our nations debt is nearing $14 trillion dollars and numerous experts in finance are warning that the debt is unsustainable and will bankrupt the country. Yet the cement heads in government, led by the Messiah, Godfather B.O. just keep spending money stupidly.
Every day B.O.and the crud in government do something more to damage our country.
He must be stopped! This Bribery thing is an impeachable offense and would be cause to get rid of him. We must push for a special prosecutor, who will dig the dirt and get rid of B.O. and his organized crime thugs.

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