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Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Dare They!

Learned on last evening news that the Obama administration is going to file a lawsuit against the State of Arizona for passing legislation concerning illegal immigration.
Incompetent, arrogant, egotistical, pile of organized crime crud, Eric Holder, legal defender of Islamic terrorists, is obviously filing this assinine lawsuit at the behest of Organized Crime Boss Obama, and this is just another example of government run amock!
The State of Arizona is doing their best to deal with a problem that should have been resolved by the federal government long ago. Illegal immigrants are aiding the bankruptcy of America!
Obama and Holder need to be made aware (loudly by the majority of a nation that is sick and fed up with the influx of illegals) that they are responsible for enforcing federal legislation that is basically the same as Arizona's legislation. The Obama run government, other than bullshitting the public with grand words and extorting money from BP, does nothing to combat the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The Obama led government bullshits the American public about illegal immigration and pretends to enforce immigration laws.
It has become obvious that the Obama organized crime family knows how to exercise power, throw their weight around and spend money, but they don't have a clue as to how they are damaging America, nor apparently, do they care. They are totally committed to their quest for power and will crush any lovers of the American Constitution who stand in their way.
On a daily basis the Obama administration makes me so angry I could spit nails!
It seems the message that was delivered to me in a dream by a former New York State Police supervisor, and reported in a blog posting by me, is coming true. Obama is intentionally trying to infuriate American citizens and drive a wedge into our society with the end goal of becoming a dictator.
This Community Organizer, Illinois organized crime thug should not be holding the office of President of the United States! He and the group of thugs that he has surrounded himself with are better suited for prison.
Wake up America, before it is too late!
Obama and his thugs need to be shown the exit ramp out of Washington D.C. before they do so much damage to this nation that it cannot recover!

1 comment:

  1. [Found the following on the web - Jessie]

    Government-Approved Illegals !

    Speaking of illegals, the government hasn't built the fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who want to take away our freedoms.
    Yes, the government hasn't built the White House fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who somehow got into the White House and who are now working hard to take away the religious, social, and economic freedoms of true American patriots!
    For more insights Yahoo or Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity" and "Separation of Raunch and State."
    PS - Is barack-coli a vegetable or a disease?
