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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our President Is Out of Control!

Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy! I am going to begin calling despotic scumbags, scumbags. Barack Hussein Obama is beginning to act like a dictator and a despot, therefore, he is a scumbag!
Obama takes money from public sector unions and supports their rape of the American taxpayer. That makes him a scumbag!
Obama has decided that he can bypass Congress and follow mandates handed down by the socialist dominated United Nations. Therefore he is a scumbag!
Obama rammed healthcare legislation down our throats ignoring negativity from the overwhelming majority of the American public. Therefore, he is a scumbag!
Obama has decided he can order military intervention in any (weak) country of the world while ignoring the requirement that the safety and security of America must be at risk for taking military action. Therefore, he is a scumbag!
No one despises Gadaffi more than I and I would take pleasure in his demise, but what gives America the right to interfere in another nation's civil war? Think about this. What if revolution broke out in America because a large majority of the citizenry became sick and fed up with government's behavior, and another nation - for instance Iran - decided that to protect American citizenry from death and destruction, they had to get involved. This equates to the same situation as what is presently happening in Libya. Therefore, Obama is a scumbag!
Obama is spending money like a drunken dictator, drunk on power consequently burying America in debt. Therefore, Obama is a scumbag!
Obama is spending outrageous sums of money on personal vacations and personal pleasure while claiming he feels for America's poor. Therefore, Obama is a scumbag!
Obama is giving Constitutional Rights, which they are not entitled to to foreign terrorists hellbent on killing Americans. Therefore, Obama is a scumbag!
Obama lies to the American people at will, while saying, "I want to make myself perfectly clear." The truth is, he takes pride in pulling the wool over our eyes and knows he will not be challenged by a complicit liberal, all-supportive socialist media. Therefore, Obama is a scumbag!
Vice President Biden once called for the impeachment of George Bush, for engaging America's military without the approval of Congress. Now that Obama has engaged our military without approval of Congress, Biden has changed his mind and says, "well this is different because Obama is President." Therefore, Joe Biden is a scumbag!
Eric Holder, castigates members of the Tea Party, protects Muslim terrorists and refuses to prosecute Nation of Muslim thugs who intimidated voters. Therefore, Holder is a racist and a scumbag!
Never in the history of America has the administration of our country been under the control of such a large group of scumbags!
Enough is enough! Hillary Clinton keeps preaching, "Gadaffi must go!" Well, Mrs. Clinton, you and the rest of the crud that are screwing up America, MUST GO!
If it takes an Egyptian or Libyan type situation to throw them out, then so be it!

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