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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Obama Fiddles While the World is in Chaos

The Middle East is a powder keg with a lit fuze and what does our President do? Incredibly, he fans the fire by encouraging dissent and showing subservience to Islamic, anti-American sentiments. He told Mubarek that he should listent to the voice of his country and resign. Guess that advice did not apply to Obama, who refused to listen to the voice of the American public and rammed healthcare legislation down their throats.
Yesterday, Somali pirates, after having seized an American sailing vessel, murdered their four American hostages. What response do we get from Obama? As expected, strong words (always words and no action) of condemnation.
The price of gasoline is skyrocketing and isn't it strange that when that happened under Bush's watch, the media screamed bloody murder blaming Bush for the high cost and stirred resentment among the public. What do we hear from the media now? Nothing! Silence, because the annointed socialist, Barack Hussein Obama must be shielded and protected.
The price of almost every food product is rising rapidly and what is Obama doing to address this problem? Incredibly, he is causing the rise of prices through enforcement by his administration of all the egregious regulations that affect farmers and retailers.
At the present time two Iranian warships are making their way through the Suez Canal, something that has not been allowed in nearly 40 years. This is a direct provocation and threat against Israel. What is Obama's response? Silence! Obama, perhaps because of his allegiance to Muslims, does not like Israel and would find secret joy in having Israel become the nation of Palestine.
So, while the world is aboil in turmoil, what is our Man/Boy President doing? He has begun campaigning for his reelection in 2012. He is carrying out the role of the only expertise that he truly possesses - a leader of organized crime. He lent his voice and support to union thugs in Wisconsin and in doing so is assured of receiving lots of campaign cash from his loyal union supporters that lead the NEA.
How many times do I have to remind the Justice Department that Obama and his staff are violating laws passed by the federal government to combat organized crime. That law is commonly referred to as RICO Act. How is Obama and his cronies violating the law? By accepting millions of $$ from unions to get elected and then rewarding the unions with payoffs of public (taxpayer) money and protecting unions from State and local governments.
Many of my friends tell me that Obama is a brilliant orator. They are not trained to recognize body language and truthfulness. All they are hearing is the sort of oratory that every super salesman delivers. An in depth examination of Obama reveals he lies easily and often. Obama is unqualified to hold the office of President of the United States! Not because of his birth, but because he is incompetent and is placing America in great danger to bankruptcy and defeat in the world arena.

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