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Thursday, August 5, 2010


Our nation's President, Congress and activist progressive federal judges are acting in collusion to destroy our Constitutional Republic with the intent of establishing a Dictatorship! The evidence is readily observable on a daily basis as the President, Congress and Judiciary, thumb their noses at the American majority and defecate on the United States Constitution!
The latest outrage was yesterday's decision by a Progressive- Liberal California Federal Judge who decided that the voters of California can go to hell with their vote that decided marriage is between a man and a woman. The Judge had the audacity to claim the Constitution as pertains to discrimination, provides that marriage between members of the same sex can not be denied and must be permitted. What an insult against the intelligence of the framers of our Constitution! There is no way in hell, or on God's green earth, that the authors of our magnificent United States Constitution intended that members of the same sex could legally marry and be entitled to the same rights and privileges afforded to a man and woman joined in marriage. Evidence exists that the framers of our Constitution held to the belief that a sodomous relationship between members of the same sex was an abomination; vile and sinful. This evidence exists in the fact that Sodomy WAS a violation of federal and state laws until our society began its plunge into moral, religious and intellectual decay.
Those seeking approval and acceptance of their perverted, aberrant and illegal behavior found power in the political correctness movement that took root in America. Gay rights perverts found protection under the umbrella of PC and took up the mantra 'discrimination' to demean, and smear anyone who opposed their perverted lifestyle.
A corrupt federal judicial system, demonstrating arrogance rather than wisdom, has taken it upon themselves to re-shape America by treating the Constitution as a living document; which it was never intended to be. This aberration of constitutional authority allows them the discretion to issue edicts promoting the progressive-liberal agenda and moving America toward embracing Socialism. The agenda can be advanced by gaining support from the homosexual community.
The Fedral Judge's ruling against the State of Arizona's Immigration Legislation, is another example of thumbing the nose at the Constitution and the will of the people.
In ruling that enforcement of illegal immigration was the sole responsibility of federal law enforcement, the judge is applying handcuffs to state and local law enforcement officers who are in essence, the front line troops in the war on illegal immigration.
I would offer the comparison of enforcement of counterfeiting of U.S. Currency statutes. Counterfeiting of the money printed by the U.S. government is a federal crime and while I was in law enforcement, possession of counterfeit currency was a violation of state forgery laws.
It is patently obvious that the Federal Judge decided the Arizona Immigration Statute, according to the wishes of President Obama and the Progressive-Liberal Government and ignored the U.S. Constitution.
The true issue behind both of these federal court rulings is to advance Socialism and gain support from those segments of society that will promote socialism.
I would predict that we are rapidly approaching the date that the millions of illegals in this nation are provided amnesty and provided blanket citizenship.
It does not seem out of the realm of possibility that within a few years sex between humans and animals will become acceptable to perverted deviants in our society and the courts will decide that humans can marry animals. After all, a man or a woman may be totally in love with their dog, or horse, pig, sheep, etc. and to deny them the right to marry is discrimination...

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