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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Just returned from New York. It was cool when we departed Georgia, but was unseasonably warm in New York State. 92 degrees when we returned to Georgia.
Our cherry trees have started to leaf out and the beautiful blossoms now litter our lawn, deck and driveway. We do not mind cleaing up the blossoms because they presented such beauty while announcing the arrival of spring. Our dogwood and azaleas are also now in bloom and there beauty make the long winter seem only a distant memory.
We enjoyed visiting our children in New York, but could not help but note while up there that the infrastructure (roads and buildings) are falling into disrepair. We are told that New York State is bankrupt and state government is taxing and attaching fees to everything to obtain money. Also noted that gasoline is 30 cents more per gallon in NY than in GA. New York is the state of our birth and it is a beautiful state. It is an absolute shame how liberal politics have taken the state into such disrepair. It would seem that intelligent people would come to the realization that liberalism and promoting a program of social justice - which in truth amounts to corruption and loss of human incentive to achieve - are bad for the survival of our nation. Unfortunately, our society is caught up in selfishness and greed and far too many people believe government can take care of them and fix everything. Government gets its money from taxing the people who work hard to earn it and history has shown that every program managed and funded by government has been a losing proposition. The direction in which American society is headed is downright scary!
Our elected representatives all took an oath "to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States" and seem to have no problem violating that oath at will. There is nothing Constitutional about government taking over control of private industry and dictating how much money people can be paid. Mandating that citizens MUST purchase health insurance is absolutely unconstitutional, and mandating that one segment of society pay insurance for another segment of society is also unconstitutional.
Sadly, as I stated at the time the present administration was elected to office, people who do not understand the importance of our Constitution and do not understand the freedom that it provides, were mesmerized into moronity. They voted for "hope" and "change" without asking the candidate what his definition of "hope" and "change" was. Those mesmerized into thinking Obama was some sort of Messiah, who would answer all their dreams soon learned that he is a charlatan and a fraud. We now have the worst President in the history of the United States! I say this because, his progressive socialist agenda is bankrupting America and placing America in danger of becoming a third world country. Obama has driven a wedge between the segment of society that pays taxes and that segment of society that does not pay taxes and looks to government to pay their bills, put food on their table, provide their health insurance, pay their mortgage, etc.
When Obama succeeds in achieving more than 50% of society being dependent on government, he will have succeeded in enslaving America.
Alas, my children and grandchildren are destined to become wards of the government. Obama and the power hungry politicians who keep increasing the power of government must be stopped or America will become another Venezuela, with an all benevolent dictator President who can deny individual freedom at personal whim and will.
To those liberals who have been mesmerized into moronity, I say, you pay the millions, billions and trillions of dollars that are needed to keep this corrupt government on its path to progressive socialism, and keep your hands out of our pockets.
Can America survive as a great nation, after three more years of Obama and a corrupt, power hungry government? I truly fear it cannot.
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